Steven Covey and Time Management

Several times and whenever I discuss with friends about accomplishing tasks and goals (especially outside work), they complain that there is no time or no enough time to do tasks. I really keep asking myself, is it really a time problem?  In this post, I will address the issue from time management point of view and I really hope you learn from it.

The fact is that all of us got the same amount of time per day. Think about some famous people in the world such as presidents, business men, CEOs, … etc, we all have exactly the same number of seconds every day. However, what makes some of those people successful is how they utilize their time. In other words, the secret of success of those people is Time Management.

Steven Covey Matrix of Time Management really helps to understand how to prioritize things that we need to do which will help us to achieve time management. As seen in the image above, the matrix has four quadrants. The first quadrant in the Urgent Important quadrant which contains the things we need to deal with urgently. That is we need to do them now. The second quadrant is the Not Urgent Important quadrant. These are the things the we can decide when to do. The third quadrant is the Urgent Not Important quadrant which are the things that we can delegate. Finally, the fourth quadrant is the Not Urgent Not Important quadrant. Those are the things that we can forget about them. Examples of things in each quadrant are available in the image above.

Hope learning and understanding this matrix will help us to manage our time in the best way.

All the best.


Diana Syahidayu

about 12 years ago

Salams Brother Anwar, alhamdulillah this post has helped me! Finally i can distinguish between what is important and need to beattended to urgently, and what is not.. Can i have your permission to print out the Steven Covey Matrix of Time Management? Thank you once again for sharing with me this post.. Jazakallh khair!


Anwar Bosbool

about 12 years ago

Waalaikum Assalam Sister Diana. I am really glad to know that this post helped you a lot. Thanks a lot for sharing it with your friends. Steven Covey Matrix of Time Management is available here for everyone. You are most welcome!


Rugayyah Shahab

about 12 years ago

Inspiring and informative..Keep up the good work.


Anwar Bosbool

about 12 years ago

Thanks so much Rugayyah for your support.


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