Experience Posts

Impacts of Personal Transformational Retreats on You

Impacts of Personal Transformational Retreats on You

Last week, I joined the Personal Transformational Retreat program which was held in Langkawi, Malaysia in the period from 6 to 8 September 2013. What are these transformational retreat programs and how can they help you? (more…)

Why Testers are not the Goalkeepers of Bugs?

Several times I hear people say: “Testers are the goalkeepers of bugs”. Therefore, those people believe that testing team only should never let bugs pass to the final release to the customer! I have my point of view about such saying and that is what I am going to write about in this post. (more…)

Abstract Goals

We need to set goals in this life to help us know to where we are heading. Each of us can have his/her goals whether short term goals or long term goals. However, Why do you want to achieve each goal? What is next if you achieve each goal? From my point of view, the answers of these two questions will determine whether the goal you just achieved or you want to achieve is a meaningful goal or is just what I call an abstract goal. This is what I am going to talk about in this post. (more…)

Criticizing Instructors

Recently, I had a discussion with one guy about a software testing training he has attended. I was surprised when he started to  criticize the instructor immediately after giving his name. I was really shocked since I know that instructor. He has a lot of knowledge and experience in testing field and I already have attended three different trainings/workshops with him. All those trainings/workshops were wonderful. The question is: Why would that happen? Is it high expectations issue? Over confidence? Or an issue related to honesty? (more…)



I was thinking for quite a long time on what topic to write about in my next post. One of  my dearest friends suggested “Gratitude”. A wonderful idea and I really appreciate it. Therefore, first thing to mention in my post is that I am so grateful for my friend’s assistance. In addition, in this post I will give a look on gratitude definition and how it affects our life. (more…)