hidden variables Posts

Mind Your Expectations at Work

Mind Your Expectations at Work

It is the right of everyone at work to put hopes and goals to get promoted and to be a leader or manager. With time, these hopes and goals turn into expectations. Therefore, employees will expect to be promoted to a leadership or management position based on their work and efforts. The question is: What might happen if things do not go according to employee’s expectations? (more…)

One Way to Deal with Reducing Testing Time

One Way to Deal with Reducing Testing Time

In my previous post “Reducing Testing Time and Blaming Testers”, I raised the common case of reducing testing time in many software development projects and why this happens. As I mentioned in the post, such decision could affect the quality of the software and testers at the end will be blamed for not finding software issues. The question is: How should testing team deal with management decision to reduce testing time which means that testing time will no longer be enough to conduct all test cases? (more…)

Reducing Testing Time and Blaming Testers

Reducing Testing Time and Blaming Testers

Even though testing time needed for any software development project is agreed on at the beginning, it is common that management team decides to reduce testing time in case the project falls behind the schedule. Management team aims to bring the project back on schedule in order to release the software to customer(s) on time and avoid any penalties as a result of the delay. This case is very common. However, I wonder why reducing testing time is usually the preferred option to bring the project back on schedule? (more…)

Would 25 Hours a Day Solve No Time Problem?

Would 25 Hours a Day Solve No Time Problem?

Most of the time and whenever I have a discussion with different people especially colleagues about their daily life and personal activities such as going out with friends or self-development, I hear a common answer which is “we really have no time for all of that!”. For me, this answer is very weird. Therefore, the next question I ask is “what keeps you busy so you really have no time?!” and after asking few more questions, I really get shocked when I find out that the answer is “Nothing!”. Therefore, what if we give an extra hour per day to those people so their day becomes 25 hours? Would that solve their ‘no time’ problem? Would it allow them to do some activities such as going out with friends and self-development? (more…)

One Way to Improve Your Testing Skills

One Way to Improve Your Testing Skills

There are many testers who look forward to improve their testing skills. They do their best to attend different trainings in testing field. In trainings, those testers will meet the trainer who has experience in the topic in addition to other participants looking forward to gain knowledge and improve. (more…)