Software Quality Posts

Why Improving the Team is Responsibly of Everyone

Why Improving the Team is Responsibly of Everyone

We all know the importance of building teams. I am also sure that many of us have heard about the Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing model for team building and team development. However, the journey should not stop once the team is built. Of course there should be continuous improvements to team performance and also team members. But, who is responsible for this task of continuous improvements? Is it only the leader responsibility? Or leader responsibility in addition to team members? (more…)

Why Do You Resemble Your Boss?

Why Do You Resemble Your Boss?

One of the interesting things I read is an article about employees who resemble their bosses. The topic suggests that after several weeks of working with the same boss, then and in most of the cases the employee will resemble the boss. I really wondered if this is valid or not. In addition, I started to ask myself: Why do you resemble your boss? (more…)

What is Your Office Size?

Several times in the past, I had arguments with different colleagues about my office and its size. They kept asking me why my office is just a small cubical despite the experience and leadership role I have at work. Those people kept suggesting for me to request for a new, dedicated and of course bigger office and I really can understand why they were insisting on that. The question is: What office size has to do with me or my job? (more…)

Who is Your Role Model at Work/Study?

In every organization, there should exist some people who are the role models or at least who are considered as role models by others especially the new staff. Usually, those role models are the senior staff or those with higher job positions like managers or team leaders. However, are those people really role models? What makes them to be role models? (more…)

Hey.. Let Everyone Express their Opinions!

In organizations, usually the flow of information including knowledge and experience is from the experienced staff or staff with higher job positions to the newer ones or those with lower job positions. However, should that be the only case? Can information, knowledge and experience flow in the other direction which is from the newer staff to the experienced ones or those with higher job positions? Will that be acceptable in the organization? (more…)