Testing Quotes Posts

Testing Quote of the Week 20

“Each new user of a new system uncovers a new class of bugs.” ~ Kernighan

Reporting, Diagrams and Emails

Each of us need to get his/her message across through reporting, diagrams or emails. This topic is also covered during “Soft Skills in Test Management” tutorial by Graham Bath. Graham gave several wonderful and useful tips on how to get your message across and deliver your message. In this post, I would like to share these tips with you and hope you will learn and gain benefit from them. (more…)

Useful Tips when Presenting

At some time, each of us has to do a presentation. Therefore, it is very important to improve ourselves in presentation skills. Running away is never a solution. Again, “Soft Skills in Test Management” tutorial by Graham Bath included wonderful and useful tips on how to present and I would like to share them with you. (more…)

Testing Quote of the Week 19


“We have a bug that occurs on the 31st of a month so once a month we get a bug report. It gets assigned to a developer within 24 hours who then fiddles for a bit before marking it ‘unable to reproduce‘.” ~ kosh

Testing Quote of the Week 18

“Would you rather Test-First, or Debug-Later?” ~ Robert Martin