Testing Quotes Posts

Steven Covey and Time Management

Several times and whenever I discuss with friends about accomplishing tasks and goals (especially outside work), they complain that there is no time or no enough time to do tasks. I really keep asking myself, is it really a time problem?  In this post, I will address the issue from time management point of view and I really hope you learn from it. (more…)

Testing Quote of the Week 29

“If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.” ~ Gerald Weinberg

Testing Quote of the Week 28

“Debugging is like alien abduction. Large blocks of time disappear, for which you have no explanation.” ~ Unknown

Value and Appreciate Your Staff

Evaluating and appreciating your staff are very important to the success of the organization. However, they should not be only at the time of the annual evaluation but they should be along the year. (more…)

Importance of Good Job Interview

No one can ignore the importance of job interview. This importance is for both the interviewer and the interviewee. Both should prepare for the interview and learn from their previous interviews. This is in addition to learning form others experience. (more…)