Testing tools Posts

Two Types of Leaders at Work

Two Types of Leaders at Work

Unlike previous posts in which I used to start with an introduction, I will go directly into the heart of this topic and say that there are two types of leaders at work. I will explain both types by describing their behavior at work.

The first type of leaders is (more…)

Why Using Bell Curve in Performance Evaluation is Bad for Your Organization

Why Using Bell Curve in Performance Evaluation is Bad for Your Organization

It is end of February 2016 and almost all organizations have finished the whole process of performance evaluation of their employees for 2015. This process is usually done at the last quarter of the year. In addition and in the case of organizations that use bell curve model for evaluation, (more…)

Software Quality is Degrading. Here is How to Save It

Software Quality is Degrading. Here is How to Save It

Before releasing a software and if there are still many open issues, it is often that project team enters into an emergency situation and begins the efforts to rescue the release by focusing all efforts on testing. They do as much as they can to close the issues through testing and fixing. This is like (more…)

4 Things that Affect Your Professional Image

4 Things that Affect Your Professional Image

Professionals always strive to improve in their field of work. They believe that this is what makes them ‘professionals’ and keeps their professional image. For example, a tester will spend a lot of efforts to improve in testing. Unfortunately, this is not 100% true. (more…)

Quality of Testing Vs. Quantity of Testing

Quality of Testing Vs. Quantity of Testing

A lesson I learned from working in many projects as a tester or testing team leader is to focus on the quality of testing rather than the quantity of testing. It is a big mistake to measure testing effort and whether testing is good or bad by looking only to the number of test cases, number of issues found, number of testing hours or number of testers. (more…)